

11491 Uppsatser om Panel Data - Sida 1 av 767

Analys av kvalitet i en webbpanel : Studie av webbpanelsmedlemmarna och deras svarsmönster

During 2012, the employer of this essay carried out a telephone survey with 18000 participants and a web panel survey with 708 participants. Those who partook in the telephone survey were given a choice to join the web panel. The purpose of this work is to study the participants of the telephone survey and see if they reflect the Swedish population with regards to several socio-demographic factors. Also, we intend to investigate if the propensity to join the web panel differs for participants of the telephone survey with regards to various socio-demographic affiliations. It is also of interest to study if the response pattern is different for participants of the telephone survey that would like to join the web panel and those who reject.

Target Capital Structure and Adjustment Speed- a dynamic panel data analysis of Swedish firms

The purpose of this thesis is to test whether firms have target capital structure, and if so with what speed they adjust toward this target. Findings that support this purpose are also in line with the trade off theory. One of the key elements of this thesis is the method used, which successfully enables fulfilling the purpose. The Panel Data method captures the data characteristics of the cross sectional and time series dimension. By using this approach the dynamic effects of capital structure can be studied, thus if there actually is an adjustment towards a target the speed can be estimated.

Fascia Panel Redesign

The purpose of this project has been to cut production costs for the fascia panels ofGetinge?s largest autoclaves. The cost for the stainless steel plates currently used is veryhigh. An alternative material solution could cut costs significantly.In addition, improvements have been made to the instrument tower which is a central partof the fascia panel. As a result of the new modular design in a new material theinstrument tower has been improved in several aspects..

Undersökning av fasadskivor

The purpose of this report is to present some of the market's façade panels and to do a survey of Masonite façade panels and compare. Therefore I have looked closer on potential competitors and studied their assembly method and properties. I will also propose suggestions on installing Masonite panels and improvements to the current carrying system. The carrying system for façade panels in general. Various key people in various areas of the construction industry have been interviewed. People with a wide knowledge of theory and with real work experience have been my main focuses too implement this survey.

En studie om skattens påverkan på ungdomsarbetslöshet i 13 industriländer

Title: Youth unemployment- A study of the tax effect on youth unemployment in 13 European industrial countries Seminary date: 2009-02-06 Course: NEK691 ? Bachelor thesis, 15 p Author: Emma Jonsson Tutor: Klas Fregert Keywords: Youth unemployment, tax, 13 European industrial countries, Panel Data, multiple regression analysis. Purpose: The purpose is to examine the reasons behind youth unemployment with a special focus on tax policy. Method: By using a multiple regression analysis examined with Panel Data from 13 European industrial countries for the period 1998 to 2004. The dependent variable youth unemployment is explained by five independent variables.

UTVECKLING AV BESLAGSSYSTEM FÖR SANDWICHPANEL : Ett designprojekt i samarbete med Paroc Panel System AB ®

En av Parocs produkter är sandwichpanel som är ett byggmaterial som kan variera i storlek och tjocklek och är funktionellt och smidigt. Uppdraget var att designa ett beslag för panelsystem som minst 50% av Paroc Panel Systems kunder skulle föredra framför de gamla, främst med avseende på estetiken, men även baserat på lätthet att montera och kostnad av beslaget. Projektet skedde i samverkan med företaget Paroc Panel System AB och ur förundersökningen framkom att utseende, monteringsmöjligheter, egenskaper såsom materials livslängd och hållfasthet och totalkostnad var viktiga krav som ställdes på produkten. Lösningsförslag med fokus på flera viktiga aspekter togs fram och kombinerades till olika koncept med hjälp av en så kallad morfologisk tabell. En konceptutvecklingsfas ingick där hållfasthetsberäkningar och materialval var avgörande.

Demografisk sammansättning samt beteende hos medlemmar i panel

The use of marketing research panels are a more and more frequently used source of information for studies within many different branches. The purpose of this report is to investigate the demographic composition of panels and compare it with the population of Sweden, a possible change in behaviour of respondents, and if the source of recruitment is the cause of possible differences in study results. The study was commissioned by Norstats Linkoping office. Sources for the data material include Norstat?s recruitment process and their two main panels with different recruitment sources.

Vad påverkar fjärrvärmepriser i Sverige?: En ekonometrisk analys

The purpose with this thesis is to analyse different factors that can explain district heating prices for energy companies in Sweden. We are further interested in examining if the prices is affected by the use of industrial waste heat in their production and the company?s ownership structure. The method applied is a multiple regression analysis using a Panel Data set of 50 companies over 5 years (2008-2012). The data used is yearly data obtained from the Swedish district heating association.

Tuftade ljudabsorbenter ? väggpaneler för rumsliga och akustiska egenskaper

It is a well-known fact that textiles and carpets have benign sound-absorbing properties. It is desirable to have quantified values of these properties ? especially for architects and interior designers. They often need to be able to giveaccount for the acoustic properties of their designs at a relatively early stage and sometimes have strict acoustic classifications imposed upon them by their contractor. A product with documented acoustic properties would aid when prescribing interior elements.The purpose of this thesis is to develop a wall-mounted panel in hand-tufted material ? aesthetically pleasing and versatile but also having documented and quantified acoustic properties.

Standardisering av bakpanel.

HAFA Bathroom Group has given us the assignment to develop a standardized back panel for their bathroom cabinets. This cabinet is going to be applied to most of their current and future cabinet solutions. To this point, they have constructed unique suspensions-and back panels for most of their cabinet models. They have also been forced to pull wiring and assemble the cabinets differently because of factors like; position of the wall sockets, dimensions of the cabinets and their shapes.The company wants to distance themselves from their current solution, firstly because the cost of having manpower to design each individual suspension solution, secondly because they will save a lot of money when the manufacturing process requires a minimum of components to be constructed. As a result of this, the company can use their resources better to develop future products.The main idea is that the consumer isn?t required to change the suspension or back panel when they decide to buy a new cabinet.

En webbundersökning med panel : Vilka variabler påverkar om, hur tidigt och vad panelmedlemmar svarar?

Denna rapport ger en bakgrundsbeskrivning av datainsamlingsföretaget Norstat och hur de genomför en tracking-undersökning med panel via internet. Vidare analyseras samband mellan variabler som beskriver personer som ingår i undersökningen och hur dessa personer besvarar undersökningen. I rapporten tas också reda på hur länge en undersökning behöver vara igång och om inkomna svar skiljer sig åt beroende på när en person har svarat. En ingående beskrivning av bearbetning och de variabler som ingår i det använda datamaterialet kommer också att ges. Tidigare forskning med anknytning till paneler och webbundersökningar tas upp för att ge läsaren en nyanserad bild av för- och nackdelar med webbundersökningar.Logistiska regressionsmetoder har använts för att utreda vilka variabler som påverkar om en person besvarar undersökningen eller ej, samt vilka variabler som gör att en person besvarar undersökningen tidigt eller sent.

Spridning av innovationer på en konkurrensutsatt marknad

Skogsindustrin har de senaste decennierna ökat anslag och ansträngningar för att utveckla nya och mer högförädlade produktsegment för att motverka trenden att substitut tar marknadsandelar från träprodukter. Innovation, marknadsföring och kundrelationer är traditionellt områden som skogsbranschen har åsidosatt då ansträngningar och kapital investerats på processutveckling. De är därmed, överlag, mindre erfarna på dessa områden än andra industrisektorer vilket resulterat i att nya produkter och innovationer sprids långsamt på marknaden samt att medvetenheten om dessa produkter bland slutkunder ofta är bristfällig. Mellanstruken panel är en industriellt målad panel med två lager färg som började produceras 2007 och kan anses vara innovativ vidareutveckling av den grundmålade panelen. I dagsläget säljer de flesta byggvaruhus produkten via beställningssortiment eller lagerhållning men användningen bland hantverkare är mindre utbredd. Medvetenheten om produkten är bristfällig och en mycket liten andel av slutkunderna har vetskap om mellanstruken panel. Syftet med studien är att utreda vilka hinder det finns bland de byggvaruhus som klassas som sen majoritet, enligt teorin om spridning av innovationer, att introduceras för och därefter börja sälja mellanstruken panel.

Utveckling av Prisjakts butiksomdömessystem

This thesis work is the result of the company Prisjakt?s wish to develop and improve its current system of opinions for online stores. The challenge was to develop a similar system that competitors are using but better. The collection of information is based on purchases and are collected from Web-shops. The purchases can then be monitored in a control panel.

Arbetslöshet bland utrikes födda på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En empirisk analys av vilka kommunala faktorer som kan påverka den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda

Unemployment amongst Swedish citizens is higher within the group which falls under the designation foreign-born. The aim of this thesis is to examine which municipal factors that can explain the differences in unemployment amongst foreign-born relative to native born.The empirical models are examined with both cross-sectional data for the year of 2010 and Panel Data for the years of 2002-2012. The examination is implemented through a linear regression analysis of the type Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Fixed Effect regressions. A theory section will be presented where the theory on Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate (NAIRU), theories on discrimination and country-specific human capital are illustrated.The result from the cross-sectional data shows that the amount of foreign-born, the level of foreign-born immigrated from Nordic countries have a significant negative effect on unemployment amongst foreign-born. The general unemployment shows a significant positive effect on the unemployment amongst foreign-born.

Swedish SME Financing - Evidence from the Game Industry

The objective of this thesis is to examine the capital structure of Swedish small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Accounting data from Swedish game developers, combined with the result from a survey, is used to examine their financial conditions and capital structure decisions. We find that non-debt tax shield, firm size, growth opportunities and age are, to various extents, the determinants of capital structure in the game industry, while effective tax rate and asset structure have marginal effects. Our study also implicates that most of the existing capital structure theories can explain SMEs leverage decisions to some extent; however, some adaptation is needed to fit these theories into the SME context. Additionally, we find the existence of a financial gap in the game industry which might need efforts from both demand side and supply side to eliminate..

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